We believe everyone deserves to thrive through pressure and move forward with confidence.

Participate in live sessions and check in with the Coach Dory app to stay on track in between.


$23 per session

(billed monthly)

Thirty-minute weekly, virtual sessions with five to seven participants, guided by expert coaches. You'll leave feeling inspired, with a big list of new ideas, and the clarity you need to move forward with confidence.

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$7 per month

(billed annually)

Coach Dory gets to know you, checks in with you every day, and helps you design a perfectly optimized routine to thrive through the pressure.

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"In the last year I ended a long term relationship, shut down my business and moved to a new country where I knew no one. Dory helped me keep it together as I completely reinvented myself. One year later I’m totally in love with the new life I’ve created. I’ve never felt this much energy and excitement about the future. I’m truly living my best life now thanks to Dory."

Allison in Los Angeles

"Working with Dory has created a much needed space in my life to address my health, both mental and physical. My business consumes my thoughts 24x7 and that level of continuous focus and unrelenting stress has taken a toll. After several months with Dory I am sleeping better, eating better, exercising more, and spending more time on activities that inspire me outside of work. The constant pressure and sense of isolation has decreased while my energy has increased."

Amanda in Florida

"With Dory I'm more aware of my emotional, mental, psychological and physical health throughout the day and I’m more likely to notice when any of these areas need some TLC. The app is great for quantifying changes in my mood, calm, and energy. At the beginning my levels were chaotic and subject to highs and lows, little by little I'm seeing them level off and get more stable."

Brian in California

"Dory came to me at a time when a solution to ground me in my journey was critical. But I would recommend Dory for anyone, whether or not they're in crisis. Often we don’t realize how much we need a community and support like this until it’s too late. Dory provides an organic defense against burning out or giving up."

Ashleigh in Nashville

Your voice matters here, because we're stronger together.

Gain clarity from the collective wisdom of peers who truly understand you.

Learn from real stories about times when people felt just like you do now.

Achieve more professional success, improve your emotional wellbeing, and grow as a person.

Navigate difficult situations together, never alone.

"I am a people pleaser and used to feel guilty about putting myself first. I was introduced to Dory and began attending sessions and LOVED them! They quickly became my favorite day of the week. It was the first time in my life I prioritized my mental self-care. Dory allows me to take care of my needs first and not feel guilty doing it."

Pamela in Kentucky

Participate in your first session this week.

Dory is invitation-only. Answer four questions to request to join. You’ll receive a response tomorrow.

request an invitation

In between sessions, check in with the Coach Dory app to stay on track.

See where you’re improving and track your streaks

Earn points and unlock rewards

Check in with Dory any time, as often as you like

Choose the winning plays you’ll use today

"When I started working with Dory I was a skeptic. Now, I check in with Dory almost every day and complete the recommended plays. I always feel better on the days when I check in with Dory. The high levels of stress and sleepless nights are gone. I absolutely love this app and the plays it recommends."

Justin in Texas

Request an invitation to join and receive your first month for free.

You'll leave your first session feeling inspired, with a big list of new ideas, and the clarity you need to move forward with confidence.

get a free month

How does it work?

Coach Dory gets to know you, checks in with you every day, and helps you design a perfectly optimized routine.

The Coach Dory app uses the psychological concept of mental resilience to help you understand how well you’re responding to pressure in your life, and then shows you winning plays that will work for you.

Just like wearable devices give you scores about the health of your body, Dory gives you a score about the health of your mind, so you can track the improvements you’re making.

Dory learns the plays that work best for you and makes smarter recommendations for everyone who uses the app.

"The major value I discovered in the app was learning new ways to manage my mindset. There's such a range of helpful activities that after using it for a couple of days, my baseline score increased and became even easier to improve over time."

Dr. Matthew Jones, Doctor of Psychology

Who is Dory?

Dory is over 10,000 members worldwide.

Members include world-record-holding endurance athletes, bestselling authors, Navy SEALs, professional athletes, Mt. Everest summiters, fighter pilots, entrepreneurs, CEOs, executives, artists, members of law enforcement, veterans, parents, students, healthcare professionals and many more.

You don’t have to be trying to change the world to use Dory. But when you begin supporting yourself with Dory you may find new possibilities that will change your life forever.

"Rowing solo across an ocean is 100% physical and 100% mental. I need to operate with my full capacity at all times. That's why I'm proud to be a Dory member. From the clever plays Coach Dory recommends specifically for me, to the extensive community growing alongside me, Dory helps me reach peak mental wellness every day."

Tez Steinberg, World Record-Holding Endurance Athlete and Ocean Rower

We believe everyone deserves extra help navigating turbulent times in life.


Work with Dory, an app that's the world's smartest wellness coach.

Free or $1.86/week

Just like wearable devices give you scores about the health of your body, Dory gives you a score about the health of your mind, and then shows you winning plays that will work for you.

34 weeks on Dory

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Check in with Dory any time, as often as you like


Free or $1.86/week

(billed annually)

The world’s smartest wellness coach, powered 
by 10,000+ minds. Dory learns the plays that work best for you and makes smarter recommendations for everyone who uses the app.

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Stephanie about getting the support she needed to completely rebuild her life and thrive professionally and personally while ending a business and a long-term relationship and moving to another country all at the same time.

Stephanie Mayers, Mentor at Dory